My illegal fishing escapade took place the year I
turned eleven. We went on a hunting trip, staying in a nice cabin with several
ponds upstream. One day, while everyone else hunted, I stayed behind. I ached
to catch some of the huge fish in the ponds. The pools had almost dried up,
with only a foot or two of water left. Off I went, with my pole and tackle box,
convinced I would return with record-breakers.
I fished, and I fished. I lost lures, snagged hooks,
and wasted bait. My hook dangled sumptuous worms inches from the trouts'
mouths, with no response. Frustration mounted. I could reach out and touch
these monstrous, shimmering fish. But how to catch one? An idea formed. The
muddy banks sucked at my feet until I found a waterlogged stick, the size of a
baseball bat. I trudged back through the muck to where the fish hovered,
mocking me. Determined to win, I proceeded to assail the fish with my new
weapon. Water splashed, mud flew…. And I conquered.